Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Opti Annual Sailing Regatta

The annual Optimist sailing nationals took place in Harbour Island this year.  Marco showed his skill in a beautiful setting.

A Sweet Treat

Stars for chores completed result in an ice cream treat reward!

Monday, 8 October 2012

September Stories

 I just managed to retrieve my photos from my camera.  Here are a few September highlights:

Triathlon Training

Impromptu Watermelon Reconstruction



Pigeons having a dust bath in town

My Nephew Lorenzo's  Birthday on Blue Lagoon Island

Guava Canning



Visit from Ardastra Gardens to us :)



The Capture of a Snake!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Kidney Dissection

Last month Madison's assignment was to dissect a kidney.  Of course Marco could not resist joining in.  Who could? We purchased a beef kidney from the food store.  The next morning they could not wait to begin!

We finished by drawing a diagram of the kidney with all of the parts we could identify labeled.  A great homeschooling experiment!

Charcoal and Collage Creations

Last month was filled with art classes.  The children showed their understanding of the most recent book they read by illustrating a part of the story using the medium of charcoal.  They really enjoyed it and I was impressed by the results.

The final pieces:


 Marco - Age 12

Madison - Age 10

And we chose to make their final projects from their study of China the focus of a fabric collage they created.  Marco researched and wrote about Pandas in China, and Madison wrote a song using only five notes inspired by the pentatonic scale they use in China.  Her song was entitled Lotus Blossom and inspired her collage.