Wednesday, 1 October 2014

A Friend's Birthday

The kids were invited to Nathan's birthday today . . . last night! Which meant somewhat of a scramble for a birthday present. We have spent the summer experimenting with fabric screen printing so they decided on a tshirt. Marco thought of a great idea and turned it over to the creative department (Madison)

It turned out great!


Curriculum update :)

The title should say "Curriculum -or lack thereof - update". While Marco is still using a curriculum, and this year we have settled on, for tenth grade, Madison has been unschooling for the last year. Which means interest-led learning, no curriculum, no requirements. What it does not mean is no learning. Madison is learning so much it is difficult to record it all. We are loving unschooling and the joy it lends to learning about everything. So, that being said, here is in updated version of what we are doing:

Principles of Mathematics
Healthy active living education - otherwise known as PE ;)
Comprehensive Arts
Career Studies
Intro to IT in business
Canadian history since World War I

Rosetta Stone French


Interests include:

Bahamas Junior Certificate(a local exam):
Math BJC

Drama course with BAM (Bahamas Artist Movement)
Cooking, especially baking
Church and bible studies
Poetry and short stories
History, particularly the Kings and Queens of England
A science experiment per week
Coach to 5K running program
UWC triathlon
Keyboard Lessons

We are so excited to see what the year will bring!

Back to Blogging

It has been well over a year since I have written a new post. I kept thinking: I have to get caught up before I can keep blogging. Guess what? I never did manage to "catch up". Lately, the desire to blog again about our homeschooling adventures has been tugging at me and I decided to just start again. I know! What a concept! But . . . it was so hard for me to accept never catching up on all of the events I didn't blog about. So here goes! Enjoy!