Sunday, 19 February 2012

My Birthday!

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday.  It started off with a brunch of crepes made by the kids all by themselves with a selection of toppings including homemade chocolate spread, freshly squeezed lemon juice, brown sugar, agave nectar, honey, confectioners sugar and chocolate chips.

I opened a present from the children - a hammock!

We built an addition to our chicken coop for the chicks and created a new garden bed which we planted with a mahogany tree, a pigeon plum tree and banana trees.  The day ended with dinner with all of my favorite people at Seafront Sushi!



  1. Looks like you had loads of fun for your Birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, seems like a good number of candles on the cake too ;)

    Great to see pics and everyone looks happy and well.

  2. Hi Peter!
    Thanks. Yes, I turned thirty-one! Had a great one :)
