Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Garden Gate

We have a plan to enclose the garden.  The chickens seem to think we are growing the greens just for them!  I bought a four foot high roll of 2 inch chicken wire and we plan to make panels using casuarina trunks.  Turns out I am enclosing about 500 square feet of raised beds and paths!

In the garden right now are 30 square feet of potatoes, 15 sq. ft. of assorted lettuces, 30 sq. ft. of bok choy, kale and spinach, rows and rows of tomatoes, about 8 - 10 sugar cane plants started from a couple of stalks, assorted herbs, 15 sq. ft. of sweet potato vines, corn, celery, radishes, cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens and swiss chard.

Our fruit trees include a sappodilla, ju-ju, two Bahamian guavas, an asian guava, cherry, spanish cherry, coconut trees, a spice tree, sugar-apple, noni, neem, a tropical snow peach, pigeon plum and soursop.  

Plans for a chicken coop extension are also underway.  The chicks are growing so fast we had to put them in our larger coop and the three older chickens in the smaller side - they are not impressed.  This evening they went back to their old coop and I had to physically remove all three of them - including the rooster - to the new cage.  Needless to say he was not happy - he has been pretty tough ever since we came back from our vacation.  I also discovered a clutch of eggs Mate had been hiding while free-ranging!  Luckily they were all still good.  I am not ready for more chicks yet!

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